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To support students in writing their first academic papers and to complement classroom teaching and one-on-one consultations, my colleagues Dr. Friedrich Arndt and Dr. Judith Gurr and me developed and produced the three-part screencast series "Theoretisch Fragen" [Questions in Theory, language: German]. These screencasts help students to find adequate topics for their essays and papers in political theory, to reflect on their methodological approaches, and above all to ask analytic and concise questions. To watch the screencasts, please click here.

Summer Term 2024:

  • Stadt, Land, Meer: Politische Räume diesseits und jenseits des Staates (From City to Ocean: Spaces of the Political in and beyond the state) (M.A.)

Winter Term 2023/24:

  • Theories of Democracy (M.A.)
  • Independence and Independence Movements: Between Theory and Practice (M.A.)

Summer Term 2023:

  • Politische Theorie (introductory courses on the history of political ideas and political theory)

Winter Term 2022/2023:

  • Theories of Democracy (M.A.)
  • International Politics: Theories, Concepts and Institutions (M.A.)

Summer Term 2022:

  • Föderalismus und Föderationen (on federalism and federations, B.A.)
  • Demokratische Innovationen (on democratic innovations, M.A.)

Winter Term 2021/2022:

  • Theories of Democracy (M.A.)
  • Constituent Power in and beyond the State (M.A.)

Summer Term 2021

  • Politische Theorie (introductory courses on the history of political ideas and political theory)

Winter Term 2020/21

  • Theories of Democracy (M.A.)
  • Ausnahmezustand und Demokratie (on the theory(ies) of the state of exception, B.A.)

Summer Term 2020

  • Contemporary Republicanism (M.A.)
  • Selbstbestimmung, Sezession und Unabhängigkeit (on the political theory of secession and independence movements, B.A.)

Winter Term 2019/20

  • Theories of Democracy(M.A.)
  • Politische Theorie und Europäische Integration (political theory and European integration, B.A.)

Summer Term 2019

  • Politische Theorie (introductory courses on the history of political ideas and political theory)

Winter Term 2018/2019

  • Die EU und Theorien der europäischen Integration (The EU and theories of European integration, B.A.)
  • Das Volk als Souverän? Grundlagen und Debatten (The people as sovereign? Basics and debates, M.A.)

Summer Term 2018

  • Independence and Independence Movements (English language M.A. course)
  • Politische Theorie (introductory courses on the history of political ideas and political theory)

Winter Term 2017/2018

  • Föderalismus und Devolution (Federalism and devolution, B.A.)
  • Souveränität: Vergangenheit. Gegenwart. Zukunft? (Sovereignty: Past. Present. Future?, M.A.)

Summer Term 2017

  • Politische Theorie (introductory courses on the history of political ideas and political theory)

Winter Term 2016/2017:

  • Einführung in die wissenschaftlichen Arbeitsmethoden (Introduction to academic research and writing)
  • Demokratie im Staat! Demokratie jenseits des Staates? (Democracy in the state! Democracy beyond the state?, M.A.)

From summer term 2012 until summer term 2016

Teaching on theories of democracy and justice, particularly on International Political Theory at the Institute of Political Science at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. In addition, teaching on methods and techniques of academic research and writing in the context of the Franco-German programme of studies Applied Political Science (Angewandte Politikwissenschaft, IEP Aix-en-Provence-Freiburg University).

From March 2013 to October 2015, I participated in the further education programme on university didactics at the University of Freiburg. By conducting a project on teaching basic methodological competences in political theory in one of my seminars, I completed the programme and obtained the Baden-Württemberg-Zertifikat für Hochschuldidaktik (certificate of university didactics issued by the land Baden-Württemberg).

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