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Farewell to Miguel Heredia Conde

Dr Miguel Heredia Conde at ZESS SiegenAlmost exactly a decade after he joined us, we have to say farewell to our esteemed colleague Dr Miguel Heredia Conde! Miguel recently took up a fantastic opportunity at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal where he is now head of the Research Group on Computational 3D Sensing at IHCT.

We congratulate him on this exciting step towards a no doubt bright future but, at the same time, will miss him dearly at ZESS.

Miguel first came to ZESS via the DFG Research Training Group 1564 Imaging New Modalities in 2013 where he successfully completed his PhD on Compressive Sensing for the Photonic Mixer Device. From 2016 he stayed associated post doc with the Graduiertenkolleg and also headed the group "Compressive Sensing for the Photonic Mixer Device" (PMD). In this role he furthered the cooperation in between ZESS and the spin-off pmdtechnologies AG, the global leader in ToF camera technology.

Apart from his outstanding research he also did important work for junior academics as General Manager of the EU funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) MENELAOS_NT from 2020 to 2023.

Best of luck Miguel - and don't be a stranger!

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