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ZESS Lecture Series: "Wind Turbines & Bogies" with Wölfel Engineering & Alstom

During the winter semester of 2023/2024 ZESS Lecture Series is hosting a series of talks on the fields of wind energy and bogies.

Prof. Kraemer, chair of Structural Health Monitoring, has invited experts from industry leaders Wölfel Engineering (Wind Turbines) and Alstom (Bogies).

The speakers will share first-hand knowledge with you and give valuable insights into applications of condition and structural health monitoring, signal processing, vibration engineering, acoustics as well as control engineering in industrial practice.

The lectures are addressed to students, technical staff, PhD students and professors from the departments mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science and civil engineering. The language of the lectures is English.


7. November 2023, 16.00 h in PB-A 118:
Structural Health Monitoring in Wind Energy I:
Machine Learning Applications from a Practical Perspective
(MSc. Bernhard Huber, Wölfel Engineering )

21 November 2023, 16.00 h in PB-A 118:
Structural Health Monitoring in Wind Energy II:
Rotor Blades
(Dr Carles Colomer, Wölfel Engineering)

12 December 2023, 16.00 h in PB-A 118:
Structural Health Monitoring in Wind Energy III:
Offshore Wind Foundations
(Dr Carles Colomer, Wölfel Engineering)

23 January 2023, 16.00 h in PB-A 118:
Mechatronics in Industry:
Active Vibration Control for Renewables & Wind Energy
(Dr Manuel Eckstein, Wölfel Engineering)

30 January 2023, 16.00 h in PB-A 118:
Bogie Health Monitoring Using Acoustic Data
(Dr Yan Niu, Alstom)



ZESS Lecture Series 2023/2024 Poster for Wind Energy

ZESS Lecture Series 2023/2024 Poster

[Rotor Blade and wheelset photography: Jan Söhlke/ZESS]
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