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Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi
Raum: F-S 205 (2.OG)

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Buchner (M.Sc.)
(in Elternzeit)
Raum: F-S 206 (2.OG)

Psychologin Christina Eisenbach (M.Sc.)
Raum: F-S 206 (2.OG)

Psychologin Sophie Seeger (M.Sc.)
Raum: F-S 204 (2.OG)

Tel.: +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail: psychologischeberatung[at]

Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen


Zentrale Studienberatung
im F-S Gebäude
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Erreichbarkeit der
studentischen Hotline:
0271 740-2712
Mo - Do: 9 - 16 Uhr
Fr: 9 - 12 Uhr


Terminvereinbarung für eine Beratung über:
0271 740-2712

International Students
You find information about the admission procedure here: STARTING


Psychological counseling


For students of the University of Siegen we offer psychological counseling sessions and regular workshops on various topics.

Doubts during studies

Are you having doubts during your studies? At the university there are various offers to support you in this situation.

Fear of examinations

Everyone suffers from it to a greater or lesser extent. But just imagine that you are not looking forward to an examination. Somehow fear just goes with the territory: With anxiety, things sometimes go badly, but without anxiety, they don't go at all. The famous happy medium means being allowed to have fear and to be able to include and use it without letting it paralyze you. Letting fear motivate you is a difficult and long learning process. The following two pages are intended to inform you briefly about how examination anxiety expresses itself, to what extent it can limit our ability to function and perform (what it feels like), and how you can help yourself or have someone help you (coping).

Study techniques

There are numerous tutorials on the techniques of scientific work. Our pages briefly present the most important findings in this area. It cannot replace a book on work technique, but it provides brief tips and suggestions for better studying. It may also motivate you to study working techniques more intensively. [read more]


Tips and hints that help in the search for a psychotherapist.

What psychotherapeutic procedures are available and what to observe.


Life can be understood as an endless sequence of tension and relaxation or activity and rest. The university is primarily a place of being active: listening to a lecturer's speech, studying for examinations, taking an examination, presenting a paper, going to eat in the dining hall, meeting others, browsing in the library, etc. [read more]

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Dipl.-Psych. Emine Selvi
Raum: F-S 205 (2.OG)

Psychologin Anna Elisabeth Buchner (M.Sc.)
(in Elternzeit)
Raum: F-S 206 (2.OG)

Psychologin Christina Eisenbach (M.Sc.)
Raum: F-S 206 (2.OG)

Psychologin Sophie Seeger (M.Sc.)
Raum: F-S 204 (2.OG)

Tel.: +49 (0) 271 740 -4300
E-Mail: psychologischeberatung[at]

Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen


Zentrale Studienberatung
im F-S Gebäude
Sandstraße 16-18
57072 Siegen

Erreichbarkeit der
studentischen Hotline:
0271 740-2712
Mo - Do: 9 - 16 Uhr
Fr: 9 - 12 Uhr


Terminvereinbarung für eine Beratung über:
0271 740-2712

International Students
You find information about the admission procedure here: STARTING
