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Switzerland - Aarau

Website: www.fhnw.ch

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The Centre for Citizenship and History Education is a research centre of the Institute for Educational Research and Development at the School for Education FHNW. The Centre is also a department within the Centre for Democracy Aarau. It researches history and citizenship education in view of their significance for democracy.

Its main activities form four fields of work:

  • Empirical research on teaching-learning processes in history and citizenship education
    Current projects are “HITCH – Large scale assessment of historical competencies“ as well as “Befragung von Schülerinnen und Schülern zum ‘Planspiel zur Einwanderungs- und Asylpolitik der EU’“ (Questions to students on the subject of the simulation game on immigration and asylum policies of the EU)
  • Theoretical conceptualisation and empirical research on political education
    Part of this work is the development of a reader containing theoretical basic texts on political education from the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.
  • Research on professions
    A recent project is “’VisuHist’ - Ausprägung und Genese professioneller Kompetenz bei Geschichtslehrpersonen. — Eine empirische Untersuchung auf der Grundlage eines Videosurveys” (Shape and development of professional competence in history teachers. – An empirical study based on video surveys)
  • Development of teaching resources
    Currently, a school textbook for history and civics education for secondary schools is being developed.

With these projects, the Centre promotes the development of competencies and knowledge for critical dealing with history in schools and beyond school, and to support democratic participation in political processes.

For this, our projects “Civic Education” (www.politikzyklus.ch and www.politiklernen.ch – ongoing) and school history textbooks are especially important. Examples are: “Hinschauen und Nachfragen”; “Geschichte der Neuzeit”.

The Centre regularly organizes conferences, like the following examples:

It runs publications like “Geschichtsdidaktik heute“ (hep Verlag) and “Politische Bildung in der Schweiz” (Verlag Rüegger) and the journal “Polis. Das Magazin für Politische Bildung”.

Other publications are the conference papers of “Erinnerung – Verantwortung – Zukunft”: e.g. “Die Schweiz und die Shoa” and “Schule und Shoa”.

For further information see:






Dr. Philipp Marti
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland
Institute for Educational Research and Development
Centre for Democracy Studies Aarau (ZDA)
Küttigerstrasse 21
5000 Aarau
E-Mail: philipp.marti@fhnw.ch
Website: http://www.fhnw.ch/personen/philipp-marti/

EU Logo This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.