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Informationen M.A. Roads to Democracies

Information on the registration process for the Master's thesis and oral examination

You can register your Master's thesis and the oral examination (Master’s thesis presentation) in an E-Mail to the examination office. Please send your registration form completely filled in and signed as scan to the examination office. You will be informed in an E-Mail once your registration has reached the examination office.

Examination Regulations for the Master’s Programme of Faculty I: School of Arts and Humanities

Admission to the Master´s Thesis

Students who have obtained at least 72 CP for the entire study programme will be approved for admission to the Master’s Thesis. In addition, the students must have completed modules INT, MET and the module elements MM 1.1 and MM 1.2.

The thesis can be registered at any time of the year, however, it must be registered at least four weeks before the official start of your writing time.

Please complete the electronic registration form published on the examination office homepage and sign it. Please ask the supervisor of your thesis for his confirmation on the form. If you have no second supervisor at the time of application, you should discuss the choice of a suitable second examiner with the first examiner of your thesis and inform the examination office about your choice as soon as possible.

The admission letter will be sent to your e-mail address about one weeks before the official start of your writing time.

Registration Form MA-Thesis

Writing period of the Master´s Thesis

The writing period for the Master’s Thesis is a maximum of 18 weeks. In exceptional cases including empirical work, the period can be extended by 8 weeks to a total period of 26 weeks. The topic, tasks and scope of the thesis should be limited so that the writing-up deadline can be met.


The length of the Master's thesis should not exceed 80 pages (without indexes and appendices) or a total of about 30,000 words. A larger deviation of the scope (more than +/- 10%) can be included in the assessment by the examiners.

The thesis is written in English, only in exceptional cases and upon agreement with examiners other languages can be allowed.

 In addition, candidates must include a confirmation of authorship in each copy signed by hand:

I certify that I have completed the written work independently and that I have not used any auxiliary means other than those indicated. All passages that are taken from other works in terms of wording or meaning (including translations) have been clearly marked as taken from other works in each individual case, with precise indication of the source (including the World Wide Web and other electronic data bases). This also applies to attached drawings, images, sketches and similar. In particular, I affirm that I have indicated all literal and se-mantic adoptions from other works as well as the use of AI-based text generators. I take note that the proven omission of the indication of origins will be considered as attempted fraud.

Candidates must submit two bound copies to the examination office. In addition, please send your thesis as a PDF (do not forget to sign the confirmation of authorship) to the examination office by the deadline at the latest. 

Guidelines for the use of "AI-based" language models/text generators
Style-Sheet MA-Thesis

Submission of the Master´s Thesis

The Examinations Office will forward your thesis to the examiners, who will prepare their assessment within 6 weeks.

For this purpose, send your thesis as a PDF file by email to your responsible person in the examination office on the day of submission at the latest. This PDF file must contain a confirmation of authorship and must be signed by you (scanned signature). If you send the paper as a PDF to the examination office by email, you do not have to submit a CD with the paper copies, unless you would like to provide your examiners with additional data (e.g. for empirical papers).

In addition, you must send two printed copies to the following postal address:

University of Siegen
Examination Office of Faculty I
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57068 Siegen


Universität Siegen
Prüfungsamt der Fakultät I
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57068 Siegen

If the Master’s Thesis is not submitted on time, it will be graded as a “fail” (5.0).

Formal request for inspection of examination files

Oral examination (Master’s thesis presentation)

The Master's Thesis Presentation can take place during the writing-up period or the assessment period for the Master’s Thesis, although at the latest eight weeks after the written notification from the head of the Examination Board of the Faculty that the Master's Thesis has been received.

Please complete the electronic registration form (Registration for Oral Examination). Arrange an examination date with the two supervisors/examiners and enter it in the form. The first examiner must confirm on this form (examiner's signature and stamp) that the date and the second examiner or observer has been agreed with him.

The form must be received in the examination office 10 days before the examination date.

Registration Form Oral exam - defense of MA-Thesis

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