Studying at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary BA and MA programs. Most courses are taught in German, but English-language options especially in British and American Studies, Social Science, History, and Media Studies are also available. Furthermore, courses taught in French and Spanish are available in the fields of literature and linguistics.
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities encourages international student mobility, both incoming and outgoing, and cultivates strong partnerships with universities in Europe and around the word (Erasmus and beyond). International students interested in studying in Siegen (degree-seeking as well as exchange) and institutions interested in establishing partnerships can visit for further information.
Bachelor‘s degree programs: Specialized Studies
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers a total of 15 subjects as major and/or minor courses.
Students can choose between three different Subject Combinations Programs. With the integrated Studium Generale (interfaculty lectures on general subjects, open to all students) the faculty offers further opportunities for individual qualification.
Subject Combinations Programs
- MODEL A: SINGLE SUBJECT program combines a Single Major Course (1Ma) with a Studium Generale.
- MODEL B: EXTENDED MAJOR-MINOR COMBINATION combines an Extended Major Course (EMa) and a Minor Subject (Mi) with a Studium Generale.
- MODEL C: MAJOR COMBINATION combines two Major Courses (Ma).
- MODEL D: MAJOR-DOUBLE MINOR COMBINATION combines a Major Course (Ma) and two Minor Courses (Mi) with a Studium Generale.
Click here for more detailed German language information on Bachelor's degree programs
Christian Theologies from an Ecumenical Perspective
(Ma & Mi)
This program introduces students to central aspects of Christian theology and the effects and influence of Christianity on European culture. Courses take an interdenominational approach that fosters the critical and constructive examination of confessional differences.
Digital Media and Technologies
Additional information coming soon.
Film Studies
Additional information coming soon.
(EMa, Ma & Mi)
The program in History has an interdisciplinary focus and offers an in-depth introduction to antiquity, the Middle Ages, the modern era and historical sub-disciplines. Students in this program obtain fundamental knowledge of the field, interdisciplinary methodological competence and core skills. Lively excursions and historical projects deepen and extend the course content.
Language and Communication
(1Ma, EMa, Ma & Mi)
This program degree gives students an in-depth introduction to linguistics. Depending on the choice of study models students can select one or two language specialisations (German, English, French or Spanish). The study of language in general and the individual languages does not solely focus on their form and structure, but also addresses inter-language communicative practices and knowledge structures and thus the function of language as a medium at the interface of the individual, interaction, society and culture.
Language, Communication and Economics in Europe (international study program)
This binational and three-year full-time program is offered by the University of Siegen and the University of Orléans (France) in cooperation with the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH). It combines the fields of applied linguistics, foreign languages (French and English) and economics, and it concludes with a German-French double degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Licence Langues Étrangères Appliquées (LEA).
Literature, Culture and Media
(1Ma, EMa, Ma & Mi)
Students choosing the Bachelor degree program Literature, Culture and Media concentrate on the literature, culture and media of a specific (foreign) language area. The program crosses language and subject boundaries: German, English and Romance Studies unite in literary and cultural inquiry, combined with elements from Media Studies.
Media Studies
(EMa, Ma & Mi)
This program introduces students to the full scope and diversity of Media Studies. In addition to the specialized training which to examine media of all types from a spectrum of disciplines, depending on the choice of study model students obtain applied training that opens up future career prospects. Long-standing partnerships with leading experts from media practice ensure the quality of this program.
(Ma & Mi)
Students gain an understanding of the foundational systematic areas of philosophy and the key stages in the discipline’s historical development. Another important goal of the program is to investigate and to convey the historically grounded potential of the discipline to develop theories and offer orientation for action.
Play and Games Studies
Additional information coming soon.
Social Sciences
(1Ma, EMa, Ma & Mi)
The first year provides an in-depth introduction to Social Science, in the following semesters students can choose to specialize in Political Science or in Sociology. Interdisciplinarity and research relevance guarantee a wide-ranging sociology program in terms of both content and approach.
Social Sciences in Europe (international study program)
A particular focus in this four-year bachelor degree program lies on comparative analyses of countries and societies, Europe, international relations, transnationalism and globalisation. The opportunities, risks and the current challenges associated with European integration are analysed both theoretically and empirically, and possible implications for the future of the European project are critically discussed. The international profile of the degree program is also based on an integrated year of studies at one of the following partner universities: University Jyväskylä in Finland, University Karlstad in Sweden or University Wrocław in Poland. Upon successful completion, graduates are qualified to enter one-year or two-year Master programs.
Further combinable subjects from other faculties:
- Art History ( Mi)
- Economics (Mi)
- Media Management (Mi)
Master‘s degree programs: Specialized Studies
Subsequent to the Bachelor's degree, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers 14 subjects as Major or Minor courses.
Depending on the Subject Combination Program the subjects can be chosen as a Major (Ma), Single Major (1Ma) or as Minor (Mi) subjects.
Subject Combination Programs
- SINGLE MAJOR and INTERDISCIPLINARY MAJOR programs combine an single major course (1Ma) or interdisciplinary course (IDMa) with practical experience and courses from the Studium Generale
- MAJOR-MINOR-COMBINATION programs combine a major course (Ma) with a minor course (Mi) as well as practical experience and courses from the Studium Generale
Click here for more detailed German language information on Master's degree programs
Advanced Literature Studies: Literature, Culture and Media
(1Ma, Ma & Mi)
The program focuses on research-related involvement with the fundamentals and history of and current trends in literary, cultural and media theories and approaches; independent and critical analysis of intertextual and cross-media aspects of fiction and non-fiction texts and media products; the development of media-specific forms of communication and the production of corresponding texts.
Students choose a language-field specialization: English, German (Middle High German or Modern German Literature), or Romance Languages.
Christian Theologies from an Ecumenical Perspective
(Ma & Mi)
The master's program in Christian Theologies in Ecumenical Perspective provides you with in-depth aspects of Christian theologies and their influences on European culture. The degree program takes an interdenominational standpoint. Topics are therefore examined from the perspectives of both Roman Catholic and Protestant theological traditions.
Culture, History, Society
(1Ma, Ma)
Culture, History, Society is an interdisciplinary Master’s degree program, involving the disciplines of English Studies, Architectural History, Protest Theology, German Studies, History, Catholic Theology, Art History, Media Studies, Musicology, Philosophy, Romance Studies, and Social Sciences.
The program addresses the complex connection between culture and society and thus addresses the major problems of our present day.
Digital Media and Technologies
(1Ma, Ma & Mi)
Additional information coming soon.
Drama Teaching
Students enrolled in the supplementary Drama Teaching course receive pedagogical training in on-stage activities related to the theoretical, artistic, practical, and didactic-methodological aspects of drama teaching. Students completing the program will be qualified to act as facilitators in communication between the theater and the public, to launch and manage amateur theater groups of all ages and in different environments and to apply theater-performance methods in teaching and learning situations both to communicate specific content and to promote social learning.
The Minor Subject History encourages acquisition not only of in-depth historical knowledge in the context of the latest international research developments but also of advanced methodological and interdisciplinary key skills.
Linguistics: digital, applied, structural (1Ma)
Additional information coming soon.
Media and Society (interdisciplinary) (interdisciplinary study program)
This program is the product of a cutting edge program model that combines two of the following three subjects:
- Media Studies
- Social Sciences
- Economics (corporate leadership and media management)
and one interdisciplinary area of studies.
The program combines theory and practice from these disciplines and familiarizes students with the latest academic and scientific research findings and methods. Small learning groups and unconventional teaching methods are designed to promote creativity and develop students’ potential for innovation.
Media Culture
(1Ma, Ma & Mi)
This degree program develops students’ cultural skills and independent thought: in both research and practice students examine the phenomenon of the media in globally networked and differentiated forms of society in order to – with the appropriate objectivity – develop their own stance and be able to undertake successful action. Students are equipped with skills that enable them to take responsibility for their culture and knowledge. The focus on research in the Media Culture Master program not only prepares the students for an academic career but also qualifies graduates for innovative tasks in media-related professional fields.
(Ma & Mi)
Students of Philosophy can choose from a wide spectrum of subjects with specialisations in epistemology, philosophy of mind, ontology, practical philosophy and the history of philosophy. Students further develop their skills in text analysis and interpretation, critical reflection, argumentation and problem-solving. Through outstanding and internationally connected research the faculty garantee insights into the debates currently shaping research in and beyond Germany.
Roads to Democracies – Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Politics and Culture
(English language international study Program)
Roads to Democracies is an international, interdisciplinary and research-oriented program. Combining methods and approaches from history, political science and sociology, the program aims to provide students with knowledge of and insights into the development of democracies. The interdisciplinary curriculum focuses on political, historical, social, socio-economic and cultural aspects of democratic ideas, institutions and structures within and outside Europe.
Social Sciences
(1Ma, Ma & Mi)
The Master of Arts in Social Sciences is an interdisciplinary postgraduate course that focuses on the theories, issues and methods used in international and intercultural comparative political science and sociology.
Students learn first-hand about the research questions currently at the centre of social science discourse and the methods employed to seek answers to these questions. Attendance at conferences and summer schools is an integral part of the Curriculum, and students have the opportunity to take part in the current research projects conducted by Siegen’s faculty and academic staff.
Social Sciences in Europe
Social Sciences in Europe imparts research-oriented, theory-based and interdisciplinary knowledge based on the current international state of research in the social sciences. The focus is on providing the factual and methodological foundations to conduct research, critically evaluate analyses, and develop responsible solutions. The focus is on the diversity of social and political realities and the complex transformation and transnationalization processes of the present.
Teacher Education
The Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers teacher education programs in the subjects listed below.
Each School form allows different combinations with subjects from other faculties at the University of Siegen.
Click here for more detailed German language information on teacher education
Primary School:
- Catholic Theology
- English
- German
- Protestant Theology
Secondary school forms:
- Catholic Theology
- English
- French
- German
- History
- Philosophy
- Protestant Theology
- Social Sciences
Secondary and Comprehensive School:
- Catholic Theology
- English
- French
- German
- History
- Philosophy
- Protestant Theology
- Social Sciences
- Spanish
Vocational College:
- Catholic Theology
- Economics/Politics
- English
- French
- German
- Protestant Theology
- Spanish
- Economics/Politics
Study counseling
The primary contact for incoming students and the course of studies Roads to Democracies is phil: International Affairs.
Our regular counselors also speak English and can be contacted regarding all other courses of study.